The Perfect Kind of Crazy

…my life as I know it

My Journey Continues

My journey of becoming healthy from the inside out includes trying new things. I’ve tried Hot Yoga, 3 times to be exact, and have decided that it’s not not me. I don’t like extreme heat so I’m not surprised. However, I really enjoyed the benefits from the yoga itself. Now to find somewhere reasonably priced and close by to try regular yoga.

I’ve tried new foods, brussels sprouts for instance, HATED them as a kid, they were actual not too bad, I’d eat them again. I’ve tried and absolutely love a new coffee and green tea. Which I have never really cared for green tea, so I was pleasantly surprised. Next up is using cauliflower for rice and pizza crust. Also, making spaghetti squash for the first time.

Over the past couple of years I have been slowly giving my medicine cabinet a makeover by replacing most items with DoTerra Essential Oils, certified therapeutic grade. Recently I’ve kicked that back into high gear. My hope is that between drinking Javita Weight Loss Coffee and Tea and using essential oils more regularly, I will be able to get off of my Rx drugs.

Next step on my journey is to try Oil Pulling… When I first heard about it I was like, “Hell no!” But the more I have researched it, the more I’m willing give it a try. It just makes sense. Now to find an oil that I can tolerate swishing around my mouth for 20 minutes!

Ancient traditions like Oil Pulling and Paleo diets still take place in other countries today. As Americans, we have lost track of being one with the earth, living off the land, and consuming what God has provided us with. Instead, we fill our bodies with fast food, both the restaurant type and the ready made crap we buy at the store. Even the meat, produce, and dairy we but at our local grocers is full of hormones, pesticides, herbicides, and other toxins.

The demand is so high for these items that they rapidly grow it all…think about it. The powers that be have pushed out so many of our local farmers across the country, making it nearly impossible for them to make an honest living. Instead, some of our food gets shipped in from all over the world. Meat arrives at stores frozen, then it’s put out for is to “believe” it’s fresh, we then take it home and toss it in the freezer.

No wonder so many Americans are obese, FAT, struggle with depression, are sick more often than not, stressed out, and lead unhealthy life styles. I’m guilty of all of those things and I’m positive much more than what I’ve listed.

Eating healthy, certified organic, hormone free, etc., is expensive. Forcing are already thin budgets to become even thinner. Even growing your own produce then canning or freezing it is expensive.

Breaking old habits is really hard to do. I know that in the end I will feel better, look better, and overall have better health, from the inside out.

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Me vs. the Squirrels

The saga has come to an end… The squirrels have been defeated! When I checked the ears on my corn stalks this evening, I squealed like a little girl… Sure did! I was ecstatic…first successful corn harvest ever! Despite the fact that this was like the 4th or 5th planting of the season.

I came bouncing in the house to show my hubby, big dopey grin and all, he just shakes his head and smiles. Then I announce, “tonight we eat corn!”


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Me vs The Squirrels


I win! I’ve got corn.. It only took me planting it 4 times and finally getting an owl… But… I did it!

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Photo a Day #17


This was last night’s harvest.. Onions, carrots, and a few peas.

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Rain, Rain, GO AWAY!!

This is going to be a whining session…just an F.Y.I.  I’m so over this rain… My zucchini keep molding, now my pumpkins are getting spots on them, my flowers are hashed….It is June, 26…SUMMER…feels more like fall except for the humidity. Grrrrr. I know that we need the rain…everything needs water…but this much?? I think not!

These like rain...

These like rain…

...and these

…and these

...and this

…and this

...and these too.

…and these too.

BUT...not these!

BUT…not these!